Allotment Update

Hello readers,

As the weather starts to cool and the days get shorter, things are heating up at the allotment! We've been making great progress, and there are plenty of exciting updates to share.

Recent Progress:

  • Water Catchment Stations: Our poly tunnel and washing-up station are now set up with water catchment systems—an important step for sustainable water use on site.

  • Compost & Manure Delivery: We’ve received a big load of compost and manure, perfect for prepping the soil for the next growing season.

  • Hot Composters & Maturing Boxes: Our hot composters are ready, and the first delivery of food waste is loaded up and getting to work! The maturing boxes will provide us with nutrient-rich compost in no time.

  • Little Wins, Big Difference: Even small additions like getting cup hooks up in the kitchen can make a huge difference in keeping things organized.

Call for Woodchip:

We’re on the lookout for woodchip to help cover our paths and feed the composters. If anyone has connections to a source that could fill up our tipper trailer—or better yet, deliver it to the site—please let us know!

Gardening Tips:

  • What to Plant Now: It's the perfect time to plant garlic, onions, and winter spinach. These crops thrive in the cooler months and will give you an early harvest next spring.

  • Soil Care: As we move into autumn, it's important to nourish your soil. If you haven’t already, now’s the time to spread that compost and manure to let it break down over the winter months.

  • Protect Your Plants: With frosty nights on the horizon, make sure any vulnerable crops are covered or brought into the poly tunnel.

Weather Watch:

The weather’s getting cooler, and rain is expected, so it’s a good idea to start planning for frost protection. Remember to keep an eye on your water collection stations—this rain will top them up nicely!

How to Get Involved:

We’re always looking for more hands on deck! Whether you're interested in getting your hands dirty or want to share skills (like composting or rainwater harvesting), we'd love to have you involved. Just reach out to see how you can join in.

Apples for All!

We’ve dropped off another box of windfall apples to the canteen. Help yourself! They're great for making crumbles, chutneys, or just snacking on.

If you'd like to stay updated on all the happenings at the allotment, make sure to follow us on social media or drop us an email to be added to the regular mailing list.

Best wishes and happy growing!

Deri & the Cegin Hedyn Team


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