Dandelion, Asparagus & Nectarine.

Dandelions, Asparagus & Nectarines.

Welcome to May! The fields looking wonderful at the moment so we're taking advantage of the abundant Dandelions, Wild Garlic, Gorse & Nettles  which you will be seeing across our menu this month.

We've updated our menus and given them a bit of a juggle around with some new seasonal yummies including Asparagus & Nectarines from our friends at Watson & Pratt's. 

In our home garden the nasturtiums are coming into flower and the way the elephant garlic is coming on, it wont be long until that gets into the restaurant.

Thank you for subscribing to our news.

Deri & Team x

Events Update: We're taking a little break from the events this month to turn our focus more closely towards tweaking our menu so keep an eye on our social media channels if you would like to see what we're up to.


We’re on the road….


Chef of the Year 2022